Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Nasrallah Talks to The Big Guy

Brain-Surgery with Spoons was eavesdropping on my phone-call from the big-guy.

You can listen to the recording by downloading this MP3 file:
Nasrallah Gets A Call From The Big Guy! (285KB)

[ Turban Tip to Karridine of Brain-Surgery with Spoons ]


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoa! That's a very weird phone-call, Hassan!

Sounds like God tells you to do something good, and you take the long way home...

Oh, and if you get the chance, listen to Bill Cosby's humorous (vinyl) recordings from 35 years ago...

He had Noah talking to God, about 40 days/nights of rain, floods to drown the sinners:
"Who is this... really?"

24/8/06 18:27  
Blogger Hassan said...

like I told him: "I am NOT going to give up my power as an imam for ANY ‘Lord of Hosts’ even if He is TRUE Messenger from God!"
why leaving my comfy chair for anyone?

and thanks for the refference, I'll try to get this recording somehow, maybe there's a renewed digital version somewhere..

24/8/06 20:05  

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